Your Devex Recruitment or Pro Funding for Organizations membership gives you access to the world’s largest directory of development profiles and CVs.
In this guide we explain how to use keywords and filters to quickly search through the database for potential applicants, experts, and contacts.
It shares tips on how to use shareable folders, saved searches, alert notifications, and notes, so you can seamlessly manage your recruitment process when you identify potential candidates.
Topics in this article
- Using keywords and filters
- Save searches, shared searches and alerts
- Discover more relevant contacts or candidates
- Get recommendations for already posted jobs
- Request CVs
- Use folders
- Add notes to profiles
- View a profile
- Contact an individual
- Click on "Find candidates" under the Recruitment tab on the navigation bar.
- By using a combination of keywords and filters you can quickly search through the large database of candidates. See an example of a search here.
- As you can see, the keyword search works like a Boolean search. This means that you can use words like AND, OR, AND NOT to refine your search. You can learn more about these by watching this video.
- Further refine your search using the filters on the left side of the screen.
Saving Searches, Shared Searches and Alerts
- Once you get a combination of keywords and filters that yields strong results, you can save a search so you don´t have to write the same keyword string and filter combination again.
- You can then activate an alert based on this criteria, so that if somebody creates a new profile, or updates their profile, and it becomes relevant to your search criteria you will receive an email notifying you. You can easily deactivate it when it´s no longer relevant.
- You can also activate alerts on searches that your colleagues have run previously under the “shared searches”.
- All saved searches and alerts can be reviewed on the Recruiter Dashboard.
Discover more candidates with similar experience to your selection
As you search you can use this button to search for more candidates with similar experience to your initial selection, hopefully saving you time! To do so, follow these steps:
- Use keywords and filters to search through the database to source relevant candidates.
- Once you feel like you have a list of profiles with potentially relevant experience select at least three and click on the Discover more candidates button.
- A pop-up with a list of ten additional profiles will then appear. These are chosen based on the similarities of their profiles with those you had initially.
Get recommendations for already posted jobs
[Only accessible to Recruitment Account members]
Under Recommended for job you are able to receive candidate recommendations for all your active job postings, making it easier and more efficient for you to fill your positions. To do so, follow these steps:
- Make sure that all search filters are cleared.
- Select a job from the list.
- You will then be shown profiles that match with the description of the job.
- You can fine tune your recommendations based on your needs with filters on the Recruiter Dashboard
Note: this new feature is still in its early phase. Devex is testing a new approach using artificial intelligence to match your job description with CVs uploaded by our members.
- The orange correction mark icon on the candidate profile summary indicates this candidate has uploaded their CV. If it does not have the correction mark, it means they have not uploaded a CV.
- In both cases, you have the option to Request their CV, either to request the candidate to provide their CV or to upload an updated version. In both these situations you can do so by clicking on Request CV underneath the profile or if you want to request several CVs at one by just ticking the little box on the right of the profile and then clicking the Request CV button. the candidate will receive an email from Devex informing them that a recruiter has requested to view their CV, and to please upload it. So you remain anonymous, but when they do upload it you receive an automated notification.
- All CVs requested and available can be seen on the Recruiter Dashboard.
Many people find it useful to save candidate profiles in a folder, so they can review them at a later date or share them with colleagues.
Use case example: if you are recruiting for a project with a colleague or team, you could save a number of profiles in a folder and then make notes on particular profiles. These could be about the candidates relevance for the job, status of invitation, or any information of note regarding candidate. Then your colleague can respond to your note, so you can incorporate your communication into your workflow. You can delete notes whenever you like.
- To do this, simply tick the box on the right of the snapshot of any of the relevant profiles and select Add to folder from the navigation bar above the list. Then name the folder and click save.
- You can add multiple or individual profiles at once. For example, if you wanted to select all 20 candidate profiles on a page, just select all and each little box beside the profile will be selected.
- Note: All folders are shared among those that have recruitment access under your membership.You can see all folders by clicking on “My Folders” above the list of candidates or by going to the the Recruiter Dashboard.
- When searching through candidates you can then use the folders filter to search through specific folders.
- There is an option to add notes to profiles. These notes are only seen by those with recruitment access under your membership. By incorporating Devex into your workflow while recruiting, it's easier to share information with colleagues.
- To add a note tick the little box on the right of the snapshot of any of the relevant profile, or profiles if you'd like to add information to multiple profiles at once.
- When searching through folders, you will see the icon on particular profiles with notes on them, and can get a preview of the note if you hover over it.
- You can also view the notes once you have clicked into the individual profile, others can add a note underneath if they want to. You can also easily delete notes.
- Once you have clicked into a profile, you see their full CV, references, previous publications, and you can easily download their CV.
- Note: we recommend using any browser but Internet Explorer to download the CVs.
- You can see when the last time they updated their CV was. You can also request a CV, save profiles to folders, and write notes on profiles as on the main search page.
- It's easy to email somebody with Devex. As a recruiter or business development, strategic partnerships manager you may want to email one person or multiple at the same time.
- You can also include personalization tokens in your email template, such as the first and last name of the applicant and hyperlinks.
- You can also contact individuals from their profile page, clicking on the same button within the profile.
Save time writing repetitive emails with templates
- If you would like to save time when you´re mailing in the future, you should save an email as a template. This can be very helpful if you need to email multiple applicants or contacts at once, or tend to write similar emails a lot.
- To personalize mass emails and save time, use the first name and last name tokens and add hyperlinks to your message.
- The next time you simply click on the template on the right hand side of the screen and the email appears, all you have to do is press send. You can also avail of those templates that your colleagues have saved.
All these tools aim to allow you to work more effectively as a team, if you have further questions just fill out this contact form. Good luck!