Q: Looking at Thailand and Vietnam, many of the opportunities are coming from World Bank and ADB. These are two donors that Thailand has not had success with in the past, in part because of the size and nature of the contracts that they issue. Is there any learning resources on Devex on how we can improve our win chances with these donors?
A: Firstly, we recommend you understand the future funding priorities of these donors by accessing the articles on the ADB's funding priorities for the next two years and on the World Bank pipeline data in order to be a step ahead in terms of planning before active funding opportunities are released. In doing so, you give yourself time to source local partner organizations while positioning yourself as being knowledgeable of the sector and future funding.
If you are a smaller organization, it may be advisable to firstly try out individual consultancy positions. Knowing about the larger organizations that will be bidding on this funding is important, the contract awards database can offer extensive information on this. For smaller organizations, an alternative option may be to hire consultants who have prior experience with these donors, the Devex candidate database hosts profiles of over 870k development professionals and so could be of use.
The following articles on the ADB and World Bank processes may be of interest:
- 6 tips on how to succeed in ADB-financed consulting contracts
- Understanding ADB's new procurement policy
- As ADB expands operations, prospective partners step up their interest
- What you need to know about ADB's Experts Pool initiative
- Interactive: Analyzing the World Bank's corporate procurement contracts
- Interactive: The latest World Bank project pipeline data