Updating your credit card information should be a simple process to ensure uninterrupted access to your membership benefits. Follow this step-by-step guide to update your credit card details:
Log in to your account and go to the billing page from the user menu.
On the billing page, click on “+ Add a new payment method.”
Fill in all the required fields with your payment information, ensuring accuracy. Click the “Save credit card” button to confirm the details.
To set your preferred or new card as the default payment method, click on the checkmark next to “Default.” If you wish to delete a card, click the delete icon. To add another card, click “+ Add a new payment method.”
Tips and reminders:
- Devex accepts Visa, Mastercard, and American Express. More information is available here.
- Remember to check your credit card details on the billing page regularly to make sure they're correct and current.
- Set your preferred card as the default payment method for convenience in future transactions like renewal.
- When updating your information, use a secure and private internet connection to keep your data safe.
- If you no longer use a particular card, remove it from your account to keep your payment options simple and organized.
- Keep your website account password strong and unique to prevent unauthorized access to your billing information.
- If you have billing questions or encounter an error with the payment process, send an email to our corporate accounting team at invoice@devex.com.