Featuring jobs with Recruitment Account

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Reach the top talent for your open position by featuring your job posting. Featured jobs get prime placement on our job board, spotlighted in our weekly newsletters, and appear at the top of job seekers' custom alerts.

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On average, featured positions receive 10 times more views than regular postings. This means more qualified candidates applying for your job.

Highlighted prominently to over 1 million visitors to our job board each month, as well as to the 100,000 subscribers to our Weekly Jobs newsletter, featured positions are a great way to further fast-track your hiring process and raise awareness of your organization as a growing development employer. 

You can feature your jobs for 30 days. This is an additional $99 for Recruitment Account members and $199 for nonmembers. To feature an existing job posting, access the list of job postings on your Recruiter Dashboard and click on the star icon corresponding to the job you would like to feature.

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To feature a job posting, simply log in and post it as usual through the job posting form (see this article for a step-by-step guide). Once you confirm the preview, you can choose between standard or featured options.

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If you would like further information on this please contact us here.