Did you know that more than 20,000 searches performed on Devex jobseeker profiles each month?
This means that your Devex profile is your first (and often only) chance to show off all your great qualifications and grab the attention of recruiters from organizations like the UN and their agencies, the Gates Foundation and DAI.
By uploading your CV to Devex today, you’ll immediately:
- Appear higher in recruiters’ search results
- Get personalized job recommendations that match your profile
- Be featured as a recommended candidate
To make this process easier for you, You can now upload your CV now and simultaneously update your Devex profile, which you can complete in 3 steps*:
*Please make sure that you're logged in to your Devex profile
Step 1: Upload your CV file
Step 2: Confirm your profile data
Here you can review the information that we've gathered from your CV for your Devex profile. You can add, edit and delete information, as well as review any information that was on your Devex profile previously.
To skip to a specific section of your profile, you can use the shortcut links on the right side to scroll down faster.
At the end of the page, click confirm to get to the next step.
Tip: Make sure that all required fields are filled out before clicking confirm. You can edit or delete the entries with incomplete information.
Step 3: Review your data
On this page you'll see how your profile is displayed for recruiters on Devex:
Step 4: View your Recommended Jobs
We've recently added a 4th step which takes you to the recommended jobs page. Here you can see the jobs that we currently recommend for you according to the specific information in your CV.
These job recommendations will keep updating on a rolling basis as new jobs become available on Devex. You can come back to check this section later by coming directly through the My Jobs page
And don't forget, if you need a CV refresh before uploading, you can always get some tips from this video on how to create a killer global development CV.