There are currently two memberships available if you're looking to access the Devex funding platform. They are the Devex Pro Funding and Devex Pro Funding for Organizations memberships.
Devex Pro Funding is a news and funding platform membership that can be purchased online. Members get to access all that is offered with Devex Pro in addition to the Devex funding platform. The funding platform is a searchable database of funding opportunities from 850+ sources, early information and news on funding, contract awards and shortlist announcements. Individuals use the platform features to improve their funding pipeline and remain informed of the latest changes in development funding.
Devex Pro Funding for Organizations is designed to cater to the needs of groups, teams and entire organizations. It includes all that is offered with Devex Pro Funding in addition to features that enable content sharing and better collaboration across organizations. Members also get access to our database of 1 million+ development professionals to source experts for proposals and expand their network, and have the opportunity to connect with our team of analysts on particular questions around funding opportunities. This is combined with training and support from our member experience team to ensure groups can maximize the benefits of the membership.
More information about both of these memberships can be found here.