How to request CVs

The “request CV” feature is only available to Devex members with access to the Devex candidate database through the recruiter search.

  • The “CV available icon on the individual profile summary indicates this individual has uploaded their CV. If it does not have the icon, it means they have not uploaded a CV. Additionally, you will see when the profile was last updated.
Profile w: CV.png
  • In both cases you can click on the CV request icon below the profile summary to either request the upload of a CV or the update of an existing CV.
Profile w:o CV.png
  • The candidate will receive an email from Devex informing them that a recruiter has requested to view their CV, and to upload or update it.
CV request Notif.png
  • So you remain anonymous, but once they upload it, you will receive an automated notification such as the one below.

CV Notification.png

  • All CVs requested and available can be seen on the recruiter dashboard under the “Requested CVs” tab.
Requested CVs.png

To learn more about the Devex candidate database, click here.