Devex News Ethics and Standards

Our code of ethics

Devex is committed to independent, balanced and accurate journalism. We operate in line with industry codes of conduct and all our journalists are expected to uphold these high standards.

We do not publish inaccurate, misleading or distorted information or images. All stories are fact-checked against primary and reliable secondary sources by reporters and copy editors. In the rare instances when a factual inaccuracy is brought to our attention, we will correct the story as soon as possible and issue a correction notice.



Our journalists will never accept payments of any kind from sources or stakeholders in a story. Our journalists may participate in press trips arranged at the expense of a third party organization on condition that we are under no obligation to publish any story from the trip and that we retain full editorial control over any content we do choose to publish. Where travel for a story has been supported by a third party, this will be declared in any published article.


Conflict of interest

Any conflicts of interest in a story must be immediately declared to an editor. Where necessary, a reporter will be removed from a beat or story if their independence cannot be guaranteed.

We do not harass or intimidate sources. We are committed to ensuring that our reporting does not put sources at risk of harm.



In order to maintain our independence, we do not offer quote or copy approval. In rare cases agreed in advance, quotes or extracts of copy may be shared with sources before publication, for example, where there is a potential security risk. However, in these cases we retain editorial control and will be under no obligation to make changes.

Anonymous quotations may be used if there is a legitimate justification. However, this must always be approved by an editor and sources should be identified as specifically as possible. 

Direct quotes will never be altered and must always be presented in fair context.

We do not tolerate plagiarism. All other sources used for stories will be appropriately credited. 



In order to separate news from opinion, opinion articles are clearly marked as distinct from our independently reported content. Published opinion columns also include a disclaimer that the views “do not necessarily reflect Devex's editorial views.” Here’s more on how to submit a guest column.


Sponsored content

Devex publishes sponsored articles and other sponsored content from its advertising partners. Sponsored content is clearly labeled and does not impact Devex’s editorial independence. Read our Guide to Devex Sponsored Content.



We aim to acknowledge story updates and serious factual errors and correct such mistakes quickly, clearly and appropriately. We update an article if additional information comes in post-publication that affects the content of the article significantly, and will include a correction notice to state corrected information. If you need to flag a correction, please follow our Community Participation Guidelines.


Article republication

Our digital republication policy allows for the first three paragraphs of a story to be republished, with a note stating the article was originally published on Devex and a link back to the original article. 


Unpublish requests

As a matter of editorial policy, we do not grant unpublish requests, unless there is significant risk to a source. But we may consider whether further editorial action is needed and act accordingly.